Monday, June 26, 2006

Traveling Ripples!

I wanted to share a quick story with you all about a recent experience I had at the airport.

As I got ready to leave for the airport, I decided that I would wear my "Did you Ripple Today" t-shirt just to see what would happen. I absolutely love to people watch in airports and I always seem to meet some of the most interesting people there. I had worn the shirt before around town and had some people ask me questions about it. So it definitely has served as a great conversation starter.

A good friend of mine, Marcie (who I met at an 8 Minute Ripple in March) dropped me off at the airport on a Wednesday afternoon. I walked into the Austin airport and went through security check. One of the security employees looked at my shirt and asked me what a ripple was. So I explained that a ripple was an action to impact someone's life and he decided to write the website down so he could explore the concept further.

I went into the bookstore in the airport to find a book to read for my flight. As I was standing there looking at various books a woman with a very shy demeanor approached me. She said " I saw your shirt and had to ask what it means." I had a few minute conversation with her to find out she was in Austin from Chicago, that she is looking for ways to grow her business and that she loved the tex-mex food here in Austin! As our conversation was ending she wanted to know where she could find Steve's book. For those of you that know me well, know that I always have copies of The Ripple Effect close by and I happened to have some extra copies in my backpack that I was taking to North Carolina for some friends and family that had wanted to buy the book. So anyway, I ended up selling her a book. There was a gentleman that over heard my conversation with her and he wanted to buy a book as well. He was intrigued by the concept and felt that he needed some help on learning how to deepen his professional relationships. After approximately 30 minutes of me being in the airport, I managed to pass on the concept of the ripple to 6 other people!! It was amazing! I felt like a walking billboard that day. It was so nice to meet new people and connect with them. The trend continued on my trip to the Dallas airport and finally the Charlotte airport later that day where I was reconnected with a friend that I went to undergraduate with. I have not seen him in 12 years! He was on my flight from Dallas and as I was standing waiting for my luggage, he approached me based on my shirt but then realized we knew each other from UNC!! How funny was that!! It was great to be reconnected.

It was a good reminder of how being open to meeting new people with no preconceived notions can open up a world of opportunities for your personal and professional life. And in some cases it can reunite you with people.

I hope all of you are having a great week!

Till next time.....



CJ said...

Hey Asha,

For our listening(reading) audience, can you tell us how to get one of those fabulous t-shirts, so we can start ripples on our own like you did? :)


Asha said...

Absolutely CJ!! You can visit and purchase one online( it is listed under products). The t-shirt is a great conversation starter and definitely creates positive ripples!