Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Asha, Marcie, & Prince, oh my!!!

We wouldn’t have fallen into that volcano in the first place if we hadn’t been chased by that mean ol’ lion (much less gotten sat upon by that nearsighted elephant when we crawled out) after… oh, wait, that’s a different story! Ooops!

What I really was going to say is that, in a sense, each of us is engaged in the ongoing process of writing the book of our life. While the criteria we utilize in determining what constitutes a sentence, a paragraph, a chapter, and so on, is as varied as we are diverse, what remains consistent is the potential for any one of us to contribute to, learn from, each other’s books.

Yet, isn’t this easier said than done? Is that not why so many people balk at the notion of networking? Who really is fond of having a business card thrust at them while an elevator speech is being machine gunned into their ear? Who really wants to do that same old routine?

I’m not, and I don’t.

8 Minute Ripple gives those of a more reserved nature the space they need to open up. 8 Minute Ripple helps those of a more “Type A” nature to slow down and engage in active listening. Folks somewhere in between the two get to exercise their flexibility.

Not to sound like I’m doing some kind of “kinder, gentler” spiel… the 8 Minute Ripple approach allows participants to make new contacts in a way that respects the humanity of people; and that’s vitally important. I have to see you as you are, not as a job title, or a commodity on two legs. There’s a lot more authenticity involved. The focus of one’s personal agenda shifts from “do you have something I want?” to “how may I, or someone I know, help this person?”

And that’s love, baby!! Or, more accurately, it’s in keeping with Greenleaf’s notion of love: “Wanting for someone to achieve his or her potential to the greatest extent possible.”

Now, that can’t be all bad!

A question: whose book are you going to take part in next?

Okay! So, getting back to the good part! We get free from the elephant when Asha cracks it up by telling it this really funny story about gourmet guinea pigs which then lead to us meeting this very indignant frog that Marcie almost stepped on, but….

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