One of the things I have been involved with this summer is co-designing/co-leading an afternoon youth leadership program.
Yesterday, Steve Harper graciously and generously gave of his time to come speak to the teenagers in the group.
Steve shared about these themes: TANFL, Expectations, Drive, Passion, Goals, and the fact that “No matter what your age, it is never too early to begin preparing for greatness.”
So, why do I write about this here? Consider it both a celebration of gratitude, and a "cautionary tale".
I remind you that the power of the 8 Minute Ripple philosophy extends far beyond the office, far beyond one’s career, into the lives of all with whom we come in contact… especially into the lives of children. Whether they are our own children, or someone else’s, on some level we are all responsible to them. Before we go any further, please DO NOT start signing “I believe the children are the future.” I believe that wretched excuse for a song has provided more leeway for clichéd rhetoric, from adults in positions of power, who abdicate responsibility for the constellations-of-crap they create and then leave behind. Yes, it is true that our children will be the ones living on into the future, after we have shuffled off our respective mortal coils from this lifetime [apologies to Willie S.]. The reality of our collective life is that, on the organizational and societal levels, it is we adults who are creating the future that our children must step into, must deal with. We are the ones making the future; we are the ones leaving behind a legacy!! What kind of legacy do you think it should be?? No... what kind of legacy do you believe it should be??
Let us get back to the teenagers I have been working with, to whom Steve came and spoke.
Steve planted seeds, created ripples, that (just like with any other human beings) will take the time it needs to take to sprout. My understanding of it all is this: whether it's kids living in poverty and violence, or kids living in wealth and affluence, or somewhere in between… all of them need their spirits nurtured, their self-esteem, sense of self-worth, value, and place in the world, mentored and nurtured to a healthy level; the high concept ideas (leadership, ethics, honor, mission, career, etc.) follow after that.
Everyday I see how tough it is for so many "adults," from all walks of life, to get a handle on those intangibles that I just listed, and thus get impatient with children… it's because those “grownups” have lost touch with those things that really matter within themselves. Some will say it's just because of life being hard. Others will say they "don't have time for that touchy feely nonsense." And still others will just be utterly confused and say "I don't know what happened." So, the children of this world, and the adults around them, are very fortunate that there are people like Steve with the courage, vision, and creativity to truly make a difference.
I am grateful to Steve for helping me show the kids in my program that they are valued!!!!
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