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I don’t know Heather Higgins, and I’ve certainly never met her in person. In fact, the only reason I ever came across her page is because we are both using to publish our work.
I am drawing your attention to Heather and her book because I believe it is a very fine example of a subtle, and extremely powerful, form of leadership: storytelling.
For some of us adults who have become so enmeshed in the politics and gamesmanship of what we refer to as “the way things really are,” we absolutely balk at showing the authenticity and vulnerability displayed by young Heather Higgins. It takes courage to see past concerns of “maintaining image” and “one’s place in the power structure.” It takes courage to share one’s real story (and no, I’m not speaking of the stuff of tabloids or “tell-all” paperback books on the shelves of grocery stores and airport gift shops).
In all honesty though, I don’t believe that Heather set out to prove how courageous she is. I suspect she was driven by the urge to share, teach, show options, and to be in service to others.
Folks, that absolutely is being a LEADER.I can think of some Presidents, CEOs, and EDs that can learn a heck of a lot from young Heather Higgins.
Check out Heather’s book and story here: # #
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Lets create some Ripples for pets and people!
Down in San Marcos, Sharri Levine Boyett is having this great event (see image below). Details and contact info are on this flyer.
Help some furry friends!!! :o)