Saturday, August 25, 2007

“Out of the mouths of babes”

I don’t know Heather Higgins, and I’ve certainly never met her in person. In fact, the only reason I ever came across her page is because we are both using to publish our work.

I am drawing your attention to Heather and her book because I believe it is a very fine example of a subtle, and extremely powerful, form of leadership: storytelling.

For some of us adults who have become so enmeshed in the politics and gamesmanship of what we refer to as “the way things really are,” we absolutely balk at showing the authenticity and vulnerability displayed by young Heather Higgins. It takes courage to see past concerns of “maintaining image” and “one’s place in the power structure.” It takes courage to share one’s real story (and no, I’m not speaking of the stuff of tabloids or “tell-all” paperback books on the shelves of grocery stores and airport gift shops).

In all honesty though, I don’t believe that Heather set out to prove how courageous she is. I suspect she was driven by the urge to share, teach, show options, and to be in service to others.

Folks, that absolutely is being a LEADER.

I can think of some Presidents, CEOs, and EDs that can learn a heck of a lot from young Heather Higgins.

Check out Heather’s book and story here:

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Contact me now:

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ripple for Pets

Lets create some Ripples for pets and people!

Down in San Marcos, Sharri Levine Boyett is having this great event (see image below). Details and contact info are on this flyer.

Help some furry friends!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Steve's Other BLOG post about SXSW

Check out more about Steve's SXSW experience by going to his personal BLOG.

Click here.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ripple Opportunity at SXSW

Hello my fellow community of Ripplers! For those of you lucky enough to be in Austin attending SXSW remember there is no better opportunity to put the Ripple to work for you. There is such a diverse and amazing grouping of people that stepping outside your box to connect could really open up some interesting new connections for yourself. I know it already has for me!

Even if you aren't officially attending SXSW that shouldn't stop you from coming downtown and just walking around and striking up conversations. There is literally thousands of opportunities to meet people whether over a beer at the local draught house (pub) or favorite, ordering that double no foam caffeine fix you like so much at Starbucks! The streets are litered with all sorts of cool people and it requires very little effort to strike up a conversation and do some Rippling.

So what are you waiting for? Come on down and put the power of what you have learned at The 8 Minute Ripple to work for you!

Ripple On!!!

Steve Harper

Thursday, March 01, 2007

"I teach this..."

In his blog post from February 27, Steve references a great Robin Williams line from the movie "Good Will Hunting": "I teach this s**t, I didn't say I know how to do it."

Yep, I’ve been there, too.

It almost felt like that kind of an experience at a coaching gig, this last week in the Seattle, Washington area. There I was, the subject matter expert, and lo and behold… well, I believe the participants in the training taught me as much, if not more, than I taught them.

It’s being willing to live, being willing to act on, a Ripple-centric life that keeps me from staying there in that “I didn't say I know how to do it” place... keeps me from not knowing “how to do it.”

Whatever “it” may be.

It’s because people truly are an Unbelievable Treasure Chest of Oppertuinty. When I get out of my own head long enough to see, and experience, the wonder being gifted to me through the light of others, I discover I am being enriched beyond any expected measure.

Thus, I am stretched as I learn and grow... lifelong-learning as I get further along the path to knowing “how to do it.”

Thank you to one-and-all who have directly, and indirectly, been a Treasure Chest for me.

I humbly offer you the same in return.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Talk About Creating A Connection Point

Drew McLellan with McLellan Marketing Group sent this out in his BLOG today and I thought it was pretty funny and talk about a great connection point when you are meeting someone for the first time!

Well thanks to Drew I now know that I am.....

You are The Flash
The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

"Why hello there...I am Steve but my friends say I resemble the The Flash!?!"

Well you need to work in your own line and though I didn't like The Flash as a kid, maybe I need to give him a look-see after taking the Which Super Hero Are You quiz.

Thanks Drew for such a fun post!

Ripple On!!!


P.S. Be sure to check out my main BLOG by clicking here!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Man must evolve for all human conflict
a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation.
The foundation of such a method is love."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here's hoping that we all do something this week to honor this fine man and all that he stood for!

Ripple On!

Steve Harper

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Don't Let The Ripple Pass You By

What if the person sitting at the table next to you at lunch today was placed there just for you?

What if that person is the single biggest professional contact you could make. I mean the person who could really catapult your career to the next level.

What would you do?

Will you simply ignore the person?

Will you attempt to return the eye contact and then hurriedly return to your meal?

Or would you.....


Engage them in conversation.

Ask them questions.

Allow them to see how great a person you are.

Discover who and why this person has been placed directly in your path.

What if? What if the person you bump into today is THE person you need to meet? Will you just let the opportunity slip through your fingers? Unexplored and unchallenged?

Ripples often happen because someone somewhere else put them in motion just for us. Don't waste them. Don't let them pass you by. Because if you do that too often, the Ripples may stop coming and what a tragedy that would be!

Ripple On!

Steve Harper