I’ve been pondering an aspect of Steve’s message since that evening: viewing each encounter as a treasure-trove of opportunities.
He is right. Each encounter with another human being is a treasure-trove of opportunities. Yet, making this way-of-being work for one’s self requires an essential component: having an Abundance mindset.
“Networking” comes from a Scarcity mindset: because there’s not enough to go around, you have to prejudge others, “pre-qualify” them. Engaging in dialogue is not a concern because if someone does not have what you want, what you need, why should you care.
Having an Abundance mindset allows you to understand that, because everyone does not literally have exactly the same needs, there truly is plenty to go around. You also realize it is worth it to engage in dialogue because it is amazing what you can learn from others, and it is amazing how you may be of service to others.
Look at it form the standpoint of Spiritually Based Enlightened Self Interest™. When you have the courage, in the face of your own wants and needs, to engage in dialogue with another, when you have the courage to open yourself to the possibility of being of service to another in even the smallest way, you are sending positive energy out into the Universe that will come back to you tenfold.
Cultivate an Abundance mindset.
Create Ripples.
Reap the rewards.